Sunday, October 18, 2009

Our little girl tunrs 3 years old on Monday, so hard to believe that 3 years are gone already!! After the wonderful day we had with her today Steven and I know how blessed we are go have such a good family and good friends. KayLeigh got everything she wanted, and could ask for. Steven, Mom and I got her the pink CADI. She loved that we saved it for last!! Stevens parents got her the bike, Dawn and Taralyn got her a helmet and knee pads for the bike, Papa got her a computer game that will teach her numbers and letter she can write on a pad and it puts it on the computer, Stevens sister Jen and her boyfriend gave KayLeigh some money and stickers and some books that she loved, AJ Amber and Dave sent some outfits home with Mom after her visit. Dad sent a gift card that KayLeigh enjoyed using at Wal-Mart she wanted a Dora computer game that she wants to play all of the time. Mom always out does herself, not only did she give us money for the car she also got KayLeigh lots of new outfits, a princess doll house and all of the things to go with the house. We had a good day, and ended it with dinner at Carlos O Kellys!!! Thank you soooo much to everyone for all of you love and support with KayLeigh!!!