Tuesday, June 16, 2009

KayLeigh sings songs from school all of the time....mom and I were laughing so hard at her we were cryin'

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

The parents as teachers program that we are in had a day in March called "Messy March". It was so much fun, 4 rooms filled with messy things I would never do at home...and tons of kids do it! Mom and I had just as much fun as KayLeigh I think. Steven was with us too, but you know men...he just shook his head....he thinks I am a kid too!!

We took KayLeigh to the circus about a month ago or so...sorry it is just very hard to get picks posted on the blog...enjoy!!

KayLeigh loves to go to Papa and Sigs to swim in the pool in the back yard....as we all do!!