Thursday, March 22, 2007

Cousin Dean and KayLeigh have been taking a bath together for the last week, Dean's mommy and daddy are on vacation, so when mom and Al go to Varneys I am a mother of 2!!!!! I know I have not updated the blog in a few weeks, these photos are from today 3/22/2007! KayLeigh was 5 months old on Monday already!! WOW the time has gone fast. I told a girl at work the other day I would have more kids I just don't want to keep them!! Not in a bad way or anything but I would love to have kids for people who couldn't. I just wish everyone who wanted to could experience what I have!!! It is wonderful, yes wonderful and I am working on about 5 hours of sleep...still saying it is wonderful!!

I found my feet!!!

Friday, March 02, 2007

Our 2 am wake up call on Friday March 2, 2007.